Why are vegans so annoy some of us?

Vegans, raw foodists, LactoGetarians are among the opponents of animal food today almost every tenth resident of the planet. But these figures themselves do not explain why lovers of soy cutlets and vegetables cause strong emotions in opponents who declare them with Hanjas or hypocrites. Social Psychologist Gordon Hodson explains what is the reason for hatred and … fear.

One woman placed stickers on the bumper of her car, which unequivocally indicate her vegan principles. Among the inscriptions there are such: “If you love animals, you do not eat them”, “Be kind, be a vegan”, “Friends, not food”. One sticker depicts a dog and a cow asking the question: “Why do you love one and the other eat?”

Due to these inscriptions, the woman shouts offendous words every now and then, throw pieces of meat and other objects into her car, and pushes it to the side of the road. She is worried not only for herself, but also for her children. Whatever lifestyle you give and no matter what diet you adhere to, you will probably agree that this is a sad state of affairs.

In the Research Laboratory of the University of Brock, we studied prejudice and discrimination against vegetarians and vegans (we will unite them with the conditional sign “&V”). And here are the main facts confirmed by our recent research.

1. The society really biased to “in&V”. We found out that the prejudice that


the meat -eaters are in “in” in&in “, as great as intolerance of immigrants, and even stronger than racism.

2. The society is more critical of strict vegans than to vegetarians, but the most negative, contemptuous attitude has developed towards Vegan men, who are conservative users of the Internet derogatoryly call “soy boys”. Obviously, the choice of a man who prefers Tofu a bloody steak is perceived as anomalous behavior, challenging traditional gender norms.

3. Meat -eaters are especially hostile to those “in&c “who refuse to use meat for fundamental reasons (say, from unwillingness to harm animals) compared to those who choose a plant diet due to the characteristics of their body.

This suggests that the prejudices of anti -Vogans are defensive in nature, serving as a protection of their beliefs. The lifestyle of vegans is perceived as a reproach for the values of the majority and therefore causes resistance. That is, the reasons why someone does not eat meat is an important factor in determining the degree of bias.

4. Fans of a variety of nutrition who perceive the choice of vegan and vegetarians as a threat to society and culture, eventually begin to incline to the fact that livestock and wild animals do not deserve care and protection too much.

5. “IN&in “Feel isolation and discrimination, even from friends and family.

6. Thinking to refrain from meat consumption, conservatives (unlike liberals), most likely, will return to animal food again. This is partly due to the lack of support in their social group and, apparently, reflects concern about the possible stigmatization.

7. The more actively a person stands for meat -eating and does not think of his diet without barbecue or steak, the more prejudice against vegetarians he demonstrates. Literally like this: the number of beef eaten predicts the degree of anti -vegetarian sentiments. This gives reason to assume that the protest attitude serves as a defense, and not just reflects hostility towards a person from another, “alien” group.

8. Visual reminders that the source of meat is specific animals reduce the negative attitude towards vegetarians. In a person who looks at the images of turkeys and cows, empathy is intensified by these animals, and the feeling of a threat emanating from vegan loses its acuity.

The experiences that a woman shared with stickers at the bumper is alarming: her desire to openly express her position entails real and quite dramatic consequences for her and her family, as well as for our society as a whole. If you find that you experience irritation, anger or embarrassment at the sight of a sticker on the bumper of a neighboring car with an appeal to take care of animals, then you may be worth it to go to the side of the road to think more about your feelings and their consequences.

Why someone else, refusing to eat animals, gives you so many griefs? What does it tell you about you and your place in the world? Perhaps you experience an internal conflict: on the one hand, you love animals and believe that you are a good person, but on the other hand, some of your decisions and actions probably somehow contradict your own internal principles not to harm others.

Reproaches and irritation that you bring down to other people will help little in resolving such conflicts and gaining inner peace, but most likely, only multiply discomfort. We could all benefit from a thoughtful conversation with others about the world in which we dream of living, and what memories of ourselves we want to leave our grandchildren.

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